

What its known for

The Hawthorn has a long symbolic history to its name. The plant has a reputation for its anti-irritation, and its short blooming ephemeral flower are known for their anti-oxidant properties.

How we use it

The Hawthorn Flower Extract comes from a flower that blooms for just a few short weeks in May and June. Our extract forms an integral part of the Intral Calm Complex developed to soothe, and reduce visible irritation. Appears on ingredient labels as Crataegus Monogyna Flower Extract.


Nous continuons à nous appuyer sur les recherches innovantes de notre fondateur pour créer des solutions de soins de la peau hautement performantes à base de plantes. Pour ce faire, nous accordons une attention particulière à la qualité de nos produits et faisons preuve d’une grande transparence envers nos clients en ce qui concerne la science, les ingrédients, l'efficacité et la responsabilité de nos formules.